親子體驗 90 分
- 預約上課時段:私訊官方line帳號 @152jhnlg 進行預約。
- 工作室供學員於課前七天免費更動時段。課前三日取消則不予更改時段及退費。
- 所有課程結束後的作品由老師代為修坯、上釉、燒製,需等候約4-6週再通知自取或寄送。
- 所有課程作品之燒窯費另計,依體積大小計費,單件最低基本費用為80元。
- 報名前請閱讀完整注意事項,報名視同同意(請使用網頁板閱讀)
- 為提供良好的陶藝體驗,本工作室採預約制,系統將於收到款項後提供訂單收據至email,即算報名成功喔!
- 預約上課時段:私訊官方line帳號 @152jhnlg 進行預約。
- 工作室供學員於課前七天免費更動時段。課前三日取消則不予更改時段及退費。如為天災或不可抗力之因素,工作室將協助學員更改時段。
- 所有課程結束後的作品由老師代為修坯、上釉、燒製,需等候約4-6週再通知自取或寄送。
- 所有課程作品之燒窯費另計,依體積大小計費,計算方式為:作品長*寬*高立方公分*0.15(未滿4公分以4公分計算),單件最低基本費用為80元。
- 本工作室提供作品國內外寄送服務,國內寄送費用150元起,國外寄送費用400元起。運送過程如遇商品損壞,本工作室恕不負責。
- 本工作室保留修改、終止、變更課程內容細節之權利。
- Reservation is required. Please note your remittance account number in the order notes for reconciliation. The system will send an email after receiving the payment, which means the registration is completed.
- Reservation of class time: Private message the official line account @152jhnlg to make an appointment.
- The studio allows students to change their time slots for free seven days before class. If canceled three days before the class, no time change or refund will be given. In the event of natural disasters or force majeure, the studio will assist students in changing the time slot.
- All works after the course will be repaired, glazed, and fired by the teacher. You need to wait about 4-6 weeks before being notified for pick-up or delivery.
- The kiln firing fee for all course works is additional and is calculated based on the size. The minimum basic fee for a single piece is NTD80.
- Our studio provides domestic and international shipping services for works. The domestic shipping fee starts at NTD150 and the overseas shipping fee starts at NTD400. The studio will not be responsible if the goods are damaged during transportation.
- The studio reserves the right to modify, terminate, and change course content details.